Mediacloud achieves ENS highest security certification


The company offers the same maximum-security guarantees as giants such as Amazon, Google and Microsoft
17th December 2018

Mediacloud, the MEDIAPRO business unit specialising in technology management in Cloud environments has recently acquired the maximum-security certification provided by the Spanish National Security Organisation (ENS). Mediacloud offers the same level of security provided by companies such as Amazon, Google and Microsoft, according to the CCN. The certification demands a particularly high level of security with more than 70 measures included and allows Mediacloud to offer services to all levels of Public Organisations.

The Cloud environment is the new way companies have of managing computer systems and thanks to these types of environment, businesses can focus more and become more dynamic as they externalise the management of their computer services and IT infra-structures to companies specialising in the area. In the end, all the companies need is an Internet connection.  

Businesses who use Cloud environments are better positioned for digital transformation and become more flexible, quick to respond and change to a fast-moving technology landscape.

Since its creation, Mediacloud has been awarded Cloud service expert status and presented with the most-sought after global certifications providing know-how and tech’ services for a host of different clients.