Press releases


12nd June 2024

“El 47” slated for movie theater release on September 6th
The film, written and directed by Marcel Barrena and starring Eduard Fernández, tells the inspirational true story of 'a man, a bus and a neighborhood’s fate’

Produced by THE MEDIAPRO STUDIO and distributed by A Contracorriente Films, “El 47”, a film written and directed by Marcel Barrena and starring Eduard Fernández, is slated for movie theater release throughout Spain on September 6th.

Fed up with Barcelona City Council claiming that public transport couldn’t reach the Torre Baró district because the streets were too narrow and unsafe, Manolo Vital, a local resident and bus driver for the city’s public transport service, set out to show, from behind the wheel of the route 47 bus -”El 47”- that the authorities were wrong. “El 47” is the inspiring true story of a man, a bus and a neighborhood’s fate.

The film tells the story of Barcelona’s Torre Baró neighborhood, but it is also that of many other communities formed in the 50s by immigrants who settled on the outskirts of Spain’s main cities. In many cases, they lived in dwellings built with their own hands after having had to leave their land to carve out new lives far from home. Years later, in the 1970s, many of these neighborhoods were still not considered part of the city and lacked running water, electricity and other basic amenities.

Marcel Barrena is the director of the film and author of the screenplay, co-written with Alberto Marini (El desconocido, Mientras duermes). Barrena also directed and wrote Mediterraneo: The Law of the Sea (winner of three Goya awards), 100 meters (winner of two Gaudí awards) and Little World (Goya-nominated for best documentary).

THE MEDIAPRO STUDIO has released the main poster for “El 47”, a creative piece in keeping with the spirit of the film, in which the film’s main actors share the spotlight with Torre Baró residents who participated in the shoot as extras, exemplifying the struggle and dignity of a close-knit community. In most cases, these extras either themselves witnessed Vital’s act of dissent in 1978 or are direct relatives of those who did.

The poster depicts Eduard Fernández (winner of three Goya awards, a San Sebastián Silver Shell and three Silver Biznagas from the Malaga Film Festival, among other accolades, along with Clara Segura (Goya nominee for Creatura), Zoe Bonafonte (Escándalo. Relato de una obsesión, Amar es para siempre), Salva Reina (Iron Reign, Marshland), Carlos Cuevas (Merlí: Sapere Aude, Smiley), Betsy Túrnez (One for all, The One-Eyed King), Oscar de la Fuente (La Casa, The Good Boss) and Aimar Vega (Los pequeños amores, Prison 77). Joining them, residents of Torre Baró also take center stage as a reminder that this is their story too.

In addition to the above-mentioned names, the cast also features Vicente Romero (Intemperie, Express) and a special appearance by David Verdaguer, winner of two Goya awards for Summer 1993 and Jokes & Cigarettes.

“El 47” was made in association with Movistar Plus+, with support from the ICEC, the participation of RTVE and 3Cat, as well as the involvement of Triodos Bank and with ICO financing. The Mediapro Studio Distribution is responsible for international sales.

12nd June 2024

GRUP MEDIAPRO cuts the ribbon on new virtual production studio in Manhattan
The group has already rolled out the cutting-edge technology in its production centers in Barcelona, Miami and Lisbon

The project is part of the company’s major strategic plans to equip its main production centers with the state-of-the-art technology

GRUP MEDIAPRO is set to inaugurate a new virtual production studio in Manhattan, New York (United States), in a project within the framework of the group’s major strategic plan to equip all its production centers with virtual technology having already implemented virtual sets in its production centers in Miami (United States), Barcelona (Spain) and Lisbon (Portugal). This latest studio in New York represents yet another stage in Europe’s leading audiovisual company’s roll-out of the major strategic project.

With a presence on the American continent spanning over 25 years, GRUP MEDIAPRO will equip its Hudson Yards studio (1,200 m²), in the center of Manhattan, with a large, 54m² LED screen capable of generating high-quality immersive content. This latest service from GRUP MEDIAPRO comes on the heels of the agreement signed between Mediapro North America and creative tech company Vü Virtual Studio Network, who will provide the studio with state-of-the-art technology. Plans are in the pipeline for the group to open virtual sets in Toronto (Canada) and Mexico City (Mexico) in the near future.

While the VP sets in Miami and Barcelona are equipped with LEDs and chroma key to adapt the technology to the needs of the production, the one in Lisbon, being smaller, uses chroma technology. These facilities are already operating at full capacity and have delivered major productions, including the first European film made entirely in virtual production ("Parenostre") and shot in Barcelona, as well as advertisements and video clips, such as the video Latin Grammy Award-winning group Gente de Zona shot at the largest VP studio in southern Florida belonging to the group and located in Miami.

Virtual production offers significant advantages over the traditional equivalent, the most important of which being that it affords directors and artistic crews greater control over the end result as modifications can be introduced during filming. Virtual production also allows for a significant reduction in filming schedules as projects are not subject to travel, schedules or adverse weather conditions. As such, filming a virtual production is far more sustainable than traditional filming, completely eradicating the need to transport large crews of broadcast professionals and technical equipment, thereby significantly minimizing carbon footprint. A virtual shoot represents a reduction of between 76% and 80% in CO₂ emissions compared to the conventional counterpart.

Constant innovation and a multidisciplinary approach have placed GRUP MEDIAPRO at the forefront of the European audiovisual sector. With over 30 years of experience, the group covers all aspects of the audiovisual sector, innovating in all its projects. Through its five business areas, it creates, designs, produces and distributes every type of audiovisual and experiential content.

The Mediapro Studio is GRUP MEDIAPRO’s content creation, production and distribution factory. It is responsible for the implementation of high-quality global projects, developed together with first-rate talents of national and international acclaim. Broadcast Media Services, the audiovisual services division, boasts one of the largest fleets of outside broadcast units in the world and is responsible for more than 20,000 productions each year around the globe. Its 16 production centers spanning 4 continents are equipped with state-of-the-art technology. Through Mediapro Xperiences, the group designs, produces and manages experiential spaces of all formats, harnessing the most innovative technology. The Rights agency, meanwhile, has established itself as one of the leading audiovisual rights management agencies in the industry. And through its Channels and Platforms unit, the group produces and manages up to 15 channels of its own as well as for major players such as ESPN, LaLiga and Movistar.

Each day, more than 7,000 staff in 52 offices across four continents convert GRUP MEDIAPRO’s purpose into a reality: Creating courageously and with a commitment to the community.

7th June 2024


Ante las informaciones publicadas estos últimos días, desde el Máster de Guion de THE MEDIAPRO STUDIO, la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) y la Escuela Superior de Cine y Audiovisuales de Cataluña (ESCAC) manifestamos que:
• En ningún momento la dirección del Máster ha presionado a los/ las estudiantes para que aceptaran la cesión temporal de sus derechos.
• Al contrario de lo que se afirma en la información publicada, los/ las estudiantes que deciden no autorizar la cesión no reciben ningún tipo de discriminación ni de presión y cursan el Máster exactamente igual que el resto de sus compañeros y compañeras. El contenido académico y las prácticas (obligatorias y remuneradas) son idénticos para todos los /las estudiantes, independientemente de que acepten la cesión temporal o no de los derechos de los proyectos creados durante el máster. La única diferencia es que sus proyectos no serán presentados a los operadores.
• Nunca se ha usado un tono amenazante o se ha tratado de engañar a los participantes del Máster.
• La cesión de los derechos de los proyectos creados en el seno del máster es totalmente voluntaria, temporal y necesaria para poder ser presentados a distintos operadores.
• Efectivamente, el Máster de Guion de THE MEDIAPRO STUDIO, UCM y ESCAC es un Máster que siempre garantiza a sus estudiantes la posibilidad de presentar sus trabajos a los principales operadores de televisión en España. Lo que se conoce como “sesiones de pitching”. La vinculación que THE MEDIAPRO STUDIO mantiene con la industria audiovisual y sus principales actores le permiten poder organizar estas sesiones.
• El interés del Máster de Guion al organizar estos “pitching” es ofrecer a los/las estudiantes la oportunidad de dar a conocer sus trabajos en el entorno profesional real, algo muy difícil, sino casi imposible de realizar en solitario.
• Finalizado el Máster, los proyectos de los/ las estudiantes que no son seleccionados después de participar en las sesiones de pitching, se retornan a sus creadores para que puedan seguir impulsándolos.
• Si las propuestas creativas presentadas en los “pitching” despiertan el interés de los operadores o THE MEDIAPRO STUDIO decide continuar con su desarrollo, se formaliza un acuerdo de colaboración con el/ la estudiante y se le integra en el equipo de desarrollo formado por profesionales de TMS y del operador.

Esta campaña de desprestigio injustificada contra el Máster de Guion se produce en el periodo de inscripciones para este tipo de formaciones de postgrado.

Con el objetivo de dejar aún más claro que TMS nunca ha pretendido lucrarse con las ideas de los/as estudiantes, a partir de ahora la autorización para participar en las sesiones de “pitching” reales se solicitará al final de la formación. Después de la formación teórica recibida y las prácticas remuneradas, los/ las estudiantes podrán decidir si quieren participar en estas sesiones y tener así la oportunidad de que sus proyectos se comercialicen de la mano de TMS tras establecer las condiciones de la colaboración.

El Máster de Guion de THE MEDIAPRO STUDIO, UCM y ESCAC es un programa de formación creado para fomentar y ayudar al talento emergente a formarse y tener un contacto directo con la industria audiovisual. Este ha sido siempre nuestro ánimo y seguiremos trabajando y colaborando con todos los interlocutores del sector para garantizar que el Máster sea un ejemplo de éxito y de excelencia.

Por último, desde la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y desde Escuela Superior de Cinematografía y Audiovisuales de Cataluña (ESCAC) -dos entidades educativas de primer nivel en España-, se ha apostado por THE MEDIAPRO STUDIO como la organización empresarial del sector audiovisual que actualmente puede llevar a cabo del mejor modo posible la labor académica-profesional necesaria para una educación de máxima calidad, especializada en la formación de los futuros profesionales del guion en nuestro país.

5th June 2024

Marta Ezpeleta appointed new CEO of THE MEDIAPRO STUDIO from 1 January 2025
Laura Fernández Espeso will be appointed CEO of GRUP MEDIAPRO in 2025

Marta’s appointment bolsters GRUP MEDIAPRO's commitment to in-house talent

GRUP MEDIAPRO today announced the appointment of Marta Ezpeleta to the position of CEO of THE MEDIAPRO STUDIO as of next January, at which time Laura Fernández Espeso will step into the role of CEO of the group, while Javier Esteban replaces Ezpeleta to become the new International Director of TMS. The appointments of Ezpeleta and Esteban, both of whom have been associated with the group since 2019, confirms GRUP MEDIAPRO's commitment to in-house talent.

Marta Ezpeleta boasts an extensive career in the television and film industry, beginning in 1998 at The Walt Disney Company, as a member of the Content and Programming team, where Marta was involved in the launch of Disney’s TV channels in Spain and Portugal. Over the next 20 years at the company, Marta consolidated her position as General Manager of Distribution for the Iberian peninsula, where she spearheaded marketing content produced by the company's brands (Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Lucas and ABC Studios) since 2014, as well as the company’s TV channels and on-demand services. In 2019, Marta joined THE MEDIAPRO STUDIO as Director of International Distribution and Co-Productions. Under her direction, TMS series and films including "The Head", "Paraíso", "Express", "Vote for Juan", among others, and films "The Good Boss", "Official Competition", have screened in more than 100 countries. In 2021, Marta took on the additional responsibilities of managing the Studio's international offices, where she contributed to cementing international operations in the United States, Colombia, Mexico, Argentina (Oficina Burman), Portugal, the United Kingdom and with the recent incorporation of Cimarrón (Uruguay).

THE MEDIAPRO STUDIO is GRUP MEDIAPRO's content creation, production, and distribution factory, which integrates production houses boasting extensive experience such as Globomedia, 100 Balas, El Terrat, Big Bang Media, K2000, Hostoil, Oficina Burman and Cimarrón, and produces content of all genres worldwide, including series, films, entertainment programs, short formats and documentaries. THE MEDIAPRO STUDIO promotes high-quality global projects, developed in association with major talent of recognized national and international prestige, including Paolo Sorrentino, Woody Allen, Isabel Coixet, Ran Tellem, Oliver Stone, Daniel Burman, Fernando León de Aranoa, Iván Escobar, Borja Cobeaga, Diego San José, Fernando González Molina, Berto Romero, Andreu Buenafuente, Clara Roquet, Coral Cruz, Marc Cistaré, Marc Vigil, Gastón Duprat, Mariano Cohn, Juan Carlos Aparicio or Lluís Arcarazo, among others. THE MEDIAPRO STUDIO works with the main operators in the global industry such as Max, Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Disney+, ViX, Paramount+, SkyShowtime, Movistar Plus+, Atresmedia and Mediaset, and its productions have won various international awards, including 2 Oscars, 2 Golden Globes, 2 Daytime Emmy Awards and multiple Goya awards.

"Marta's professionalism, vision and dedication have been instrumental in THE MEDIAPRO STUDIO’s growth and international expansion. I have worked side by side with Marta since she joined Mediapro, and I am thoroughly convinced she will do an excellent job at the helm of the Studio as a key part of the very talented team within the group, highly respected and supported by everyone.", said Laura Fernandez Espeso, current CEO of the Studio.

"I am deeply grateful to Laura for her trust and for this opportunity. Taking up the baton from Laura is an enormous responsibility that I assume with great enthusiasm and respect. The Mediapro Studio is a worldwide reality, built as a result of teamwork and the exceptional quality of all the entire team behind it, who create content courageously and with a commitment to the community. To continue with this mission is, for me, a source of great pride.", said Marta Ezpeleta.

Javier Esteban began his career in the audiovisual sector in the Vocento group after which he joined The Walt Disney Company in 2010, where he coordinated the distribution and marketing of the group's pay TV channels, content and digital on-demand services for Spain and Portugal. During his time at Disney, Javier coordinated the launch of the company's first subscription service in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Javier became part of the distribution, co-productions and acquisitions team of TMS in 2019, defining the international strategy of the different areas, as well as heading up sales for the United States, Latin America, the United Kingdom, Asia and Spain.

Laura Fernandez Espeso highlighted the importance of, "the excellent work Javier has carried out over the years, strengthening our working relationships with all our partners at an international level and forging new market opportunities. His strategic and global vision, his capacity for adapting to change and his results-focused approach, make Javier the ideal candidate to oversee the Studio’s international area".

3th June 2024

GRUP MEDIAPRO supplies technical services for four UEFA Club Finals 2024
The operation involves 11 OB Trucks and over 260 people distributed across the four events

GRUP MEDIAPRO, through its department Broadcast Media Services (BMS), has secured collaboration agreements with broadcast partners of the major continental finals (UEFA Champions League Final, UEFA Europa League Final, UEFA Europa Conference League Final & UEFA Women’s Champions League Final) to provide production services and technical resources, thereby supporting them in delivering to the highest production and broadcasting standards.

Dublin was the venue for the first of these decisive competitions, the UEFA Europa League, where the Italian team Atalanta beat the Germans of Bayern Leverkusen 3-0 to claim the title. SARAN MEDYA, the rights holder of the competition also in Ireland, relied on the expertise of MEDIAPRO BMS and its teams to provide technical resources (3 OB vans and 130 people) in order to handle the multilateral production of this match.

Three days later, the final in the Irish capital was followed by the UEFA Women’s Champions League final in Bilbao, Spain. The reigning champion, Barcelona, played in its fourth consecutive final and became the third team to win three titles, surpassing the French team Lyon. This time, DAZN, which holds the global rights for the 2021-25 cycle, chose MEDIAPRO BMS as technical supplier of the Host Broadcast in the familiar San Mamés stadium. They relied on a technical team of 2 OB’s, 35 people and 17 cameras. Leading the production team was another woman, a Portuguese TV Director Claudia Santos.

The group has also been contracted to support with various audiovisual services (2 OB’s and a team of 35 people) during the unilateral production of the UEFA Europa Conference League final for COSMOTETV and the Greek production company ABC, which took place at the AEK Arena in Athens on May 29th. Additionally, MEDIAPRO BMS provided unilateral services through 5 OB’s and 60 people at the UEFA Men's Champions League (which was played at Wembley Stadium (London) on June 1st to Movistar+, TNT Brazil & Mexico, TV SBT Brazil, and ESPN LATAM.

Overall, GRUP MEDIAPRO has deployed a significant operation across Europe, involving over 260 professionals, 11 OB trucks, and innovative special cameras to provide top-class service to all broadcasters.

31st May 2024


Ante las informaciones publicadas hoy por el Sindicato ALMA de Guionistas, negamos rotundamente que haya habido ningún tipo de presión sobre los alumnos del Máster de Guion de THE MEDIAPRO STUDIO para la cesión de los derechos de los trabajos que desarrollan durante el mismo.

El Máster de Guion de THE MEDIAPRO STUDIO ofrece a sus estudiantes la posibilidad de presentar sus proyectos a la industria en cadenas de televisión, operadores y plataformas. Para poderlo llevar a cabo, es necesario firmar un documento en el que los/las estudiantes dan su autorización para hacerlo, ya que de otro modo los trabajos no podrían ser presentados a terceros. La cesión se realiza de forma voluntaria y el alumno que no desea participar puede cursar el Máster igualmente con normalidad.

El Master de Guion de THE MEDIAPRO STUDIO es un programa de formación creado para fomentar y ayudar al talento emergente a tener un primer contacto con la industria. Este ha sido siempre nuestro objetivo y seguiremos trabajando y mejorando lo que sea necesario para que así sea.

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